For Mass Effect 3, Fans Pick Angry Barbie Doll

Friday 12 August 2011

Castrum - So BioWare, in their wisdom, decided to hold a Facebook poll of sorts to see which custom-designed female Shepard they would utilize in marketing Mass Effect 3.

Personally, I think this was a huge set-up. I mean, look at the Barbie's competition:

Three butch chicks, an emo, and a creepy Russian dominatrix from 1985. Note Barbie's the only blonde in the bunch as well. My runner-up would be #3, as she looks the least scary/pissed-off/BAWWWWWWWWW, but even so, the blonde Barbie beats her by a mile. Better/unique hair, intense but not scary look, blonde hair contrasts well with the black/grey armor, etc.

Oh well. At least they didn't have us choose between Fantasy-style armor and standard Mass Effect armor. I think everyone knows how that poll would go.

(For the record, I roll custom male Shep. Never understood the need for a guy to play as a female character, never will)


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