Just An Update

Monday 15 August 2011
Castrum - Just an update on what's going on:

1) We're working on playing those games listed on the Now Playing page, and will have reviews up sometime within the month, I imagine. Neither I nor MjolnirX do this for a living, though from my posting habits in the past two days you could be forgiven for thinking as much, so we're going at a comfortable pace.

2) MjolnirX has a more hectic work schedule than I do, so his posting has obviously been quite lax the past few days. He's going to be picking up steam as the blog gets done up and he finishes creating a Fan Page or account for the blog on every site imaginable.

3) As it turns out, I've become something of the News Guy around here, simply due to my prodigious amount of posting. The endless stream of posts will likely subside soon, as I had to catch up on a week's worth of gaming news; as well, yes I realize virtually all of my posts are sourced from Kotaku. This is changing soon, though it was caused by the aforementioned lapse in attention paid to game news and will not be a regular occurrence for any site. We aim to include articles and opinions from across the gaming world, not just from 1 or 2 sites.

4) Finally, thank you for visiting Save Point and reading what we have posted. We're trying to create a more personal, succinct and informative option for those of you who are sick of sifting through piles of random junk articles and ads on IGN, Kotaku, Joystiq, etc. I can only hope we have been successful thus far and that we will continue to be as much into the future.


Also, a fifth point:

5) MjolnirX's reviews are different from the stated format due to adaptations he has made to suit his writing style and/or because they were written up before we decided to merge our blogs into one. The adaptations are a work-in-progress and will evolve as reviews are written. Just in case anyone was wondering.


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