Castrum - Here's your weekly Nintendo systems update for the week of August 21st:
- Demo: Kyotokei (Microforum, 1 player, 0 Wii Points): A side-scrolling shooter in the vein of Ikaruga.
- The Ignition Factor (SNES, 1 player, 800 Wii Points): Put out fires and rescue people in this top-down action game.
- Gargoyle's Quest (Game Boy) (Capcom, 1 player, $3.99): A combination of platforming and role-playing, starring Firebrand, the Red Devil from Ghosts 'n Goblins.
- Let's Create! Pottery (Infinite Dreams Inc., 1 player, $4.99/500DSi Points): Create and decorate virtual pottery, then sell it.
- Magical Whip: Wizards of the Phantasmal Forest (Agetec, 1 player, $1.99/DSi Points): A single-screen action game in which you capture monsters by whipping them.
- Calculator (Cinemax, 1 player, $1.99/200DSi Points): It ... does look like a really nice calculator.
Not really anything here I could care about. I miss the days of re-released NES/SNES awesomeness that we had way back in 2007.
Source: Joystiq
Puts on the sunglasses.