9 Out Of 10 Gamers Never Reach The Game's Ending

Friday 19 August 2011

Castrum - Can't say I'm surprised: 

Just 10 percent of gamers actually finish a game, an industry veteran told CNN in a recent feature, and his colleagues and other figures back him up. "Ninety percent of players who start your game will never see the end of it unless they watch a clip on YouTube," says Keith Fuller.
Raptr, the gaming social network, vouches for that, noting that only 10 percent of those in its service who have played Red Dead Redemption have finished the last mission for one of 2010's most acclaimed games. Raptr's John Lee, with a career that included executive jobs at Capcom, THQ and Sega, recalled being told the completion figure was about 20 percent.

I would say probably about 80-something percent of games I have played have incomplete campaign saves at various stages of completion. Usually the problem is two-fold: lack of interest and difficulty. The above game, Red Dead Redemption, was certainly the former; I lost interest after the big showdown with the old gang boss guy, but eventually went back and finished it a few months later. Sadly, I was rewarded with one of the shittiest endings ever.



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